Oh how things have changed. I was born in 1996 so had the privilege of growing up in a time where outside play was the norm. However, the 2020 picture sums up life now. The outdoors is a beautiful place that should be enjoyed by children and adults alike. We need a little more 1995 and lot less 2020.

Nurseries are substitute parents

I came across this article on the Telegraphs website about how an increasing number of children are beginning school with extremely poor language.

Whilst it seems natural to read your child a bedtime story, talk with them or teach them letters, this is not the case for all parents. It is becoming increasingly common that pre school/nursery staff are the ones teaching children basic language skills as these disadvantaged children have unfortunately not learnt these skills at home.

Having good language skills are an essential component in life and therefore it is crucial that these skills are mastered early on. Language impact many other areas including literacy, hence a lack of language leads to difficulties within school, in the wider community and later on in life in terms of jobs.

Please find the link below:


The indoor generation

The children of today are the indoor generation. They spend more time indoors than previous generations and it has been noted that some children spend less time outside than prisoners.

I completely understand times have changed and the world is unfortunately not as safe as it once was but the indoor generation certainly need more time outside.

Girls alone

An interesting watch!

A programme about a group of 10 young girls left alone in a house without adults and rules… it’s quite disturbing how horrible little girls can be to one another! It also shows how pre teens also need boundaries and adult supervision.


On the fence

Below I have attached a link to a video regarding language delay in infants due to increased screen technology use.

This is certainly a bit of a taboo topic in recent times but it is unclear whether screen technology is all bad news.

Whilst this video/study states that increased screen time for children is at the forefront of language delays it is unclear whether this is a causal relationship. There could be other factors responsible such delays including mother’s spending increased time on mobile phones which results in speaking and engaging with the child less. It is important to consider other viewpoints and watch/read everything with an open mind.

What are your opinions on technology leading to language delays? I’m certainly on the fence!



Just take a moment to look at this picture, to study it in detail and to savour this image of pure and utter happiness in your mind.

In today’s society children in the Western world have an alarming high number of toys and, in general, very little respect for them. Children often don’t recognise how privileged they are, how lucky they are to have a multitude of items to play with. Gratitude is key.

The picture above shows the up most gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation for the smaller things in life. It’s hard to judge something from just a picture but a picture can tell a thousand words. These children probably have nothing other than the sacks they are playing in but they are making the most out of their situation. You can’t deny they are having fun and living their childhood the way childhood should be lived. No iPad in sight and yet a look of pure happiness on their faces and a moment these little, innocent boys with treasure for the rest of their lives.

Stop. Think and appreciate the moments of  joy in life.

School for Stammerers

One to watch. A real tear jerker and a wonderful insight into what it’s like to live with a stammer. We use speech everyday in order to communicate which is why stuttering has a detrimental impact on the well being of those who suffer with them. This ITV programme also shows the McGuire programme in action, a fascinating approach with even better results!

The link to the programme is below, enjoy!




One toy

There are moments in life that make you stop and think. This picture is one of those moments.

I’m not saying that all children with a never ending supply of toys are always sad and a child with only one toy is always happy but it appears as though those with less appreciate what they have a lot more.

I have been following two families on YouTube recently (the channel names shall remain nameless) but one family spoil their children at any given opportunity whilst the other family lead a minimalistic life where the children have limited toys yet, it is without doubt that the children from the latter family have much more appreciation for everything they have in life. They appreciate their food, nature, the outside world and their lives.

I am not condemning those who spoil their children yet I urge you to stop and think. I mean does your child really need 10 dolls? It is important to teach children from a young age that you have to work hard in life to achieve.

The nurture room

An interesting watch about children that struggle in the average classroom setting.