
It’s time to make a change for all the children in the world who may never make it to adulthood.


There are basic needs in life. One of which is water. Although, for most of us water is nothing special. There is nothing grand about it. We run our taps and it’s there. If you’re fortunate to live in England it falls from the sky most days. However, this isn’t the case for all individuals. Water can be so much more. Next time it rains, don’t complain. Just enjoy the moment and remember that actually it isn’t all bad. Childhood and water, what could be more beautiful?



Just take a moment to look at this picture, to study it in detail and to savour this image of pure and utter happiness in your mind.

In today’s society children in the Western world have an alarming high number of toys and, in general, very little respect for them. Children often don’t recognise how privileged they are, how lucky they are to have a multitude of items to play with. Gratitude is key.

The picture above shows the up most gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation for the smaller things in life. It’s hard to judge something from just a picture but a picture can tell a thousand words. These children probably have nothing other than the sacks they are playing in but they are making the most out of their situation. You can’t deny they are having fun and living their childhood the way childhood should be lived. No iPad in sight and yet a look of pure happiness on their faces and a moment these little, innocent boys with treasure for the rest of their lives.

Stop. Think and appreciate the moments of  joy in life.


With all the bad happening in the world it’s sometimes difficult to remember that there are good people that do good things. 

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and be grateful for what you have. Yes, there’s always someone better off than you but there’s also people out there struggling to survive. Be grateful, be humble and be kind. 

Take the picture above for example, there’s nothing but joy in the little girls face. I don’t know how it makes you feel but it definitely puts a smile in my face. 

Klax Galerie

Another Berlin post…

Every time I go abroad and experience other cultures and their way of viewing children, I hate England just that little bit more.

Whilst in Berlin I visted the Klax Galerie. A little art gallery situated in central Berlin that displays children’s art work. I believe the art work comes from the children of the Klax School and varies in terms of age, ability and size. The gallery itself is not particularly large but is home to a large array of paintings and small sculptures.


The art work itself wasn’t outstanding. It wasn’t as if they were displaying work from the next Monet but what they were doing was displaying the average art work of children. Something I have never seen before. Yes, parents display their children’s paintings on kitchen cupboards or hide them away in folders in the loft and schools put the good pieces of art on the walls to show what the class have been up to but that is nothing compared to having your art work in a public gallery for members of the public to go and look at. I think it is a brilliant concept that allows for children to have a sense of pride and proudness of themselves. Seeing their artwork in a frame on a wall of an art gallery must boost a child’s self esteem greatly.

What’s more is that some of the pieces of art were actually being sold in the gallery. The picture of the frog above was one of these pieces which I believe was available for around 400 euros. By pricing the art at a high price shows that the work and effort the child has put into that piece of art was appreciated.

All I can say is well done Berlin, please continue to boost children’s self esteem and well being.

Patch Adams

It’s not often a movie inspires me but last night I watched the film ‘Patch Adams’ for the first time. All I can say is WOW.

The film is about a man named Patch who inspires to be a doctor in order to help others, yet he isn’t the average doctor. Instead he focuses on the nature of treating patients as people rather than as part of the system. Whilst at medical school Patch visits the local hospital and enters the children’s ward. The sick children are all laying down in their beds, sad faced, pale and dying. As soon as Patch enters the room it’s almost as if a breath of fresh air appears. He jokes around and introduces a bit of humour into the lives of these ill children. He brings a smile to their faces, and clowns around. He doesn’t look at the children as though they are dying, but instead as people.

As the film progresses Patch sets up his own clinic in which he treats patients from his own home – this was known as The Gesundheit Institute.

Adam’s philosophy of humour is ground breaking. He has changed the lives of so many people and made life more enjoyable for so many people. Oh and one other thing… Patch Adams is a real person. Whilst i’m sure his story was adapted slightly for the film, many of the ethos present throughout are very much true. Gesundheit institute is now in it’s 45th year with projects running all over the world. Adams is still clowning around and bringing a smile to children’s faces.

The main thing I gathered from Patch Adams is his genuine love of life and helping others. Something I feel more people need to aspire to do. He has made me realise that life isn’t all about education but rather happiness, joy, fun and laughter. It’s ok to be a little bit crazy! Let children explore and experience the world around them. Learning occurs through seeing and doing so let children be children!