Typically atypical

There’s no doubt about it, all children are inspirational and unique. Their a bit like fingerprints in the fact hat no two are ever the same and that’s what makes each and every individual so interesting. However, in general, most (I use the term most loosely) have similarities. They have two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, a nose, a mouth, you get the picture! Although, for some children this is not the case. Some are born with a disability whether that be mental or physical. Some have life limiting conditions. Some cannot hear. Some cannot talk. Some will never walk. But, at the end of the day, we are all human and what does it matter? Every child deserves a chance in life and deserves to feel equal to their peers and treated with respect, love and kindness.

I stumbled across this channel on YouTube today that shows true compassion and i’d strongly advise you all give it a watch. If you’re feeling down about life, annoyed about following the same mundane routine or just want to be inspired by some AMAZING children and their families then go and check out “Special Books by Special Kids” and prepared to be wowed.



It’s time to make a change for all the children in the world who may never make it to adulthood.

Girls alone

An interesting watch!

A programme about a group of 10 young girls left alone in a house without adults and rules… it’s quite disturbing how horrible little girls can be to one another! It also shows how pre teens also need boundaries and adult supervision.
