Wouldn’t shouldn’t

Be kind to yourself. You are your child’s role model so it is important that you set a good example. Children pick up on every little change so make sure those changes are positive ones. You ARE good enough. You SHOULDN’T give up. Tell yourself you are doing well and soon you’ll start to believe it. I’m sure your child thinks you are amazing so it’s time you start believing it too.

A bit of this and that

In the UK we are currently in lockdown 3.0 with the overwhelming message being “stay at home.” It is a difficult time for all but especially for those struggling with their mental health such as anxiety. Here are a few suggestions to improve your/ your child’s anxiety. Do whatever gets you through this difficult time and makes you smile.

What they don’t know they need

All about statistics


It’s a shame that it’s all about statistics but it’s sad that this is the direction the British education system is heading.

The pressure placed on children is ever increasing and the age of the children is decreasing. Children as young as 4 are tested and examined and experience stress. It is shocking that this is the way the British education system is heading especially when mental health cases are on the rise due to pressures placed on these children in terms of deadlines, grades and targets.

Typically atypical

There’s no doubt about it, all children are inspirational and unique. Their a bit like fingerprints in the fact hat no two are ever the same and that’s what makes each and every individual so interesting. However, in general, most (I use the term most loosely) have similarities. They have two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, a nose, a mouth, you get the picture! Although, for some children this is not the case. Some are born with a disability whether that be mental or physical. Some have life limiting conditions. Some cannot hear. Some cannot talk. Some will never walk. But, at the end of the day, we are all human and what does it matter? Every child deserves a chance in life and deserves to feel equal to their peers and treated with respect, love and kindness.

I stumbled across this channel on YouTube today that shows true compassion and i’d strongly advise you all give it a watch. If you’re feeling down about life, annoyed about following the same mundane routine or just want to be inspired by some AMAZING children and their families then go and check out “Special Books by Special Kids” and prepared to be wowed.


Fairytales do exist

As a child I always dreamed of being a princess. I loved Disney and was mesmerised by the idea of one day meeting the man of my dreams and living in a castle whilst wearing fancy dresses and talking to animals all day long. Unfortunately, adult life hit and I’ll be honest, it’s not quite what I’d imagined as a little girl.

I always remember people saying “fairytales don’t exist in real life” but I think it’s safe to say yesterday’s royal wedding was pretty much as close as you can get to a real life fairytale.

I’m British and somewhat proud to be and like most Brits was more than excited about the royal wedding and it did not disappoint.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were clearly in love, the way they looked into each others eyes and held each others hands was just magical. Her beauty was indescribable. The flowers were perfect. The venue was quaint yet grand. Her dress was beautiful. There was a long awaited kiss. Harry looked smart and yes, there was even a horse and carriage.

So children, if you’re asked what you want to be when you grow up and you say a prince or a princess, don’t let anyone dull your sparkle. You can be whatever you want to be and one day maybe just maybe you’ll live your own fairytale. Meghan is that’s for sure!

Suzie and Cruzie

What a lovely girl with a wonderful positive view of life spreading awareness of autism through her own book. I don’t know about you, but when I see children doing amazing things it restores my faith in the next generation and makes me realise that they’re a pretty good bunch and bright, talented individuals. Sienna, you’re a star.