
Emotion coaching


Scrape your knee

Parenthood isn’t just about being their when your child scrapes their knee but also being there when they really need you when they’re feeling low, sad, struggling emotionally or in need of a chat.


There are basic needs in life. One of which is water. Although, for most of us water is nothing special. There is nothing grand about it. We run our taps and it’s there. If you’re fortunate to live in England it falls from the sky most days. However, this isn’t the case for all individuals. Water can be so much more. Next time it rains, don’t complain. Just enjoy the moment and remember that actually it isn’t all bad. Childhood and water, what could be more beautiful?

The globe

School for Stammerers

One to watch. A real tear jerker and a wonderful insight into what it’s like to live with a stammer. We use speech everyday in order to communicate which is why stuttering has a detrimental impact on the well being of those who suffer with them. This ITV programme also shows the McGuire programme in action, a fascinating approach with even better results!

The link to the programme is below, enjoy!




Lets make a fish climb a tree

I stumbled across a video that broadcasts the issues of the American/British education system. I couldn’t have put it any better myself. So, let’t not judge a fish on it’s ability to climb a tree. Enjoy.


Laughter is the best medicine

The title says it all. Laughter really is the best medicine.

Below you will see a few pictures showing childrens writing. I love how funny and inventive children are and how they simply say things as they are rather than masking what they’re really feeling. 

Sit back, relax and have a read of the pictures below. I hope they brighten up your day.