The globe

But you can’t fly 

Just something to think about.

Maybe we should let our children fly a little more and let them be free. Perhaps we cage up our children in fear that by letting them play outside something bad may happen to them.

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No excuses

There really are no excuses.

I am fully aware that the cost of raising a child is extortionate but there’s no need for financial instability to restrict your child’s development or the quality of parenting.


This picture shows that with a little bit of imagination a cardboard box can be turned into a masterpiece.

A bit of paint, glue, paper, toilet roll tubes and toys that your children already have can be used to create something new and exciting.


You can even add a personal touch which will truly brighten up your child’s day.

Of course, shop bought ‘kitchens’ are more sturdy, can light up and are generally a bit more child friendly but, crafting projects like the one above allow children to express themselves, it allows for them to tap into their imagination and be creative. Furthermore, a sense of pride and accomplishment will be felt at the end by both parent/guardian and child.

Switch off your TV, get messy and spend some quality time with your child!